AWS Systems Manager is an AWS service that can be used to view and control AWS cloud and on-premise infrastructure. By installing and configuring AWS Systems Manager Agent (SSM Agent) on an EC2 instance, an on-premise server, or a virtual machine we can update, manage and configure different software and applications.
Use Case – How to manage a software (un)installation on Windows 10 machine using AWS Systems Manager service.
To set up servers and on-premise virtual machines (VMs) in a hybrid environment as managed instances, we need to create a managed-instance activation. After we successfully complete the activation, we immediately receive an Activation Code and Activation ID. We specify this Code/ID combination when we install AWS Systems Manager SSM Agent on servers and VMs. The Activation Code and Activation ID provides secure access to the Systems Manager service from the managed instances.
To control and manage on-premise servers or virtual machines, we need to create a managed-instance activation. Login to AWS Console, navigate to AWS SSM service, and to hybrid activation. For this demo, we are keeping the default configuration values.
AWS Console -> AWS SSM Service -> Hybrid Activation -> Create Activation
Save the Activation Code and Activation ID to use later for setting up the SSM agent.
Log on to the Windows Virtual Machine, and open Windows PowerShell in elevated (administrator) mode. Copy and Paste the following command block in Windows PowerShell. Replace the placeholder values with the Activation Code and Activation ID generated in step 1, and with the identifier of the AWS Region, we want to download SSM Agent from.
$code = “activation-code”
$id = “activation-id”
$region = “region”
$dir = $env:TEMP + “\ssm”
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir -Force
cd $dir
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(“https://amazon-ssm-$region.s3.$”, $dir + “\AmazonSSMAgentSetup.exe”)
Start-Process .\AmazonSSMAgentSetup.exe -ArgumentList @(“/q”, “/log”, “install.log”, “CODE=$code”, “ID=$id”, “REGION=$region”) -Wait
Get-Content ($env:ProgramData + “\Amazon\SSM\InstanceData\registration”)
Get-Service -Name “AmazonSSMAgent”
The command does the following:
The Windows VM is now a managed instance. This instance is now identified with the prefix “mi-“. We can view managed instances on the Managed Instances page in the Systems Manager console, by using the AWS CLI command.
Distributor, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, helps us to package our own software to install on AWS Systems Manager managed instances. Distributor publishes resources, such as software packages, to Systems Manager managed instances.
For this demo, we have packaged our own software, Windows chrome, We can download the package and manifest file from the git repository. You can learn here how to create your own custom package.
To create a distributor package, we need to copy the 1. Zip File (software package) and 2. Manifest.json (metadata) to S3 Bucket giving read permissions to AWS SSM service.
Navigate to AWS SSM service -> Distributor -> Create Package
Navigate to AWS SSM service -> Distributor -> Owned by Me
AWS Systems Manager is a powerful tool, with AWS SSM we can manage AWS EC2 instances, on-premise servers, or Virtual machines at scale. AWS SSM Distributor package and Run Command improves operational efficiency and give greater control to manage the software installations on Linux and Windows Operating Systems.
Further utilizing services like AWS Codepipline, CodeCommit, and Code Deploy, we can automate the Software installation and Uninstallation process for a fleet of cloud and on-premise servers.